Marine Gardens Park Day to Night Time-lapse

Day One Hundred and Fifteen. Went down to Pacific Grove's Marine Gardens Park to shoot another day to night transition time-lapse. I checked the beach to find the line in the sand where high tide normally came up to, set up just above it, pulled out my book, and started reading. I got a little annoyed at the people walking on the beach right in the middle of my shot, then remembered that people movement can actually add to a time-lapse, so did my best to remove my annoyance. A few hours later, I couldn't help but notice the ocean had crept uncomfortably close and then ... big wave ... and I'm grabbing my gear and running up the beach. Guess that was the ocean's way of telling me it was dinner time! I'm posting two versions of this video, the original and a double processed one were I tried to reduce the flickering. Let me know what you think of each!

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