Yosemite & Mono Lake

Day One Hundred and Thirty Five. And, Day 1 of the second annual Northern California road trip with my dear old dad. Where better to start than Yosemite National Park. If there's a more photogenic park on the planet, I'm not aware of its existence. Ansel Adams made his name here. I love Yosemite. Unfortunately, we had a completely clear sky devoid of even a single cloud but, regardless, we still walked away with some amazing pictures. Yosemite never ceases to amaze. But, this was a road trip, and we could not doddle. We made our way over Tioga Pass, finally got to see the other side of Half Dome, got lost and half eaten by mosquitoes looking for Tenaya Lake, drove another 2 seconds down the road and found Tenaya Lake (this is what happens when you lose data signal and your phone's GPS stops working), before making the rest of the trip and arriving in Lee Vining, CA. We grabbed a quick dinner before excitedly heading for the South Tufas of Mono Lake. The moon did an excellent job of lighting the foreground for a few quick long exposures and star-trails sequences. I wanted to stay out all night, but recognizing the fact that we had a long day of fun ahead of us tomorrow, we headed back to the hotel (if you can really call it that, haha). This trip is off to a great start!

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Henry W. Coe State Park After Dark