Trinidad State Beach

Day One Hundred and Thirty Eight Part II. And, the evening of Day 4 of the second annual Northern California road trip with my dear old dad. It was quite the long and windy drive from the dam to the coast, but it was more than worth it. There's always been something magical about the coastline, and the coast of Northern California never ceases to amaze. After a nice, short hike down to the beach, we were greeted by some awesome rock formations just before sunset. It was a little too overcast to really get good sunset light, but the super dark and moody clouds more than made up for it. I'm not sure that it's, strictly speaking, possible, but I'm falling more and more in love with my 14-24mm lens. The perspective it captures simply blows me away every time. The only thing it's lacking is a filter thread. ND filters for the lens are ridiculously expensive ... though, so was the lens, so ... I'll just have to bite the bullet at some point, haha. After racing against the tide to get as far up the beach as I could before having to go swimming to get any further, I swapped out the ultra wide angle for my macro lens and tried a few handle held shots on the hike back up. As can only be expected, I had to throw most of them away, mostly due to depth of field and focal misses (f/2.8 doesn't leave much room for error, haha), but the few that I kept, I really like. Overall, I'm super happy with how this set came out and I hope you enjoy it as much as it do :)

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