The Getty

Day One Hundred and Forty Nine. I'm down in LA for a few weeks and I'm going to try to do something awesome each weekend. Up first is a stop in at The Getty. I don't know why, but I really love shooting in art museums. I see most people taking pictures with the cellphones or DSLRs even and all they seem to want to do is take a picture of the piece hanging there, capturing enough of the wall in their shot that the work itself barely takes up a third of the frame. I really try to take the what's hanging there and transform it into my work. I get close, then I get closer. I try to really focus on just the single most powerful part of the piece. Which is actually pretty similar to how I shoot outside of a museum. It's just a more focused version of ,"It's not about getting it all in." This is also about as close as I'll ever get to real portrait work :)

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Big Sur by Moonlight