Big Island Day 8

Day One Hundred and Eighty Three. Made it over to the other side of the island, home to Volcanoes National Park. I was unreasonably excited to go to the park up until dinner the previous evening. We stopped by one of the many tour huts and asked where the lava was flowing so we could better plan our trip to the park. The lady looked at me a little funny and said it was only flowing about 15 miles inland and there were no trails to get there. The only way to see the flows was to take helicopter tour. I'd only ever seen amazing pictures of lava flowing into the ocean, so I'd made the (apparently unreasonable) assumption that it did that all the time. To say that I was disappointed would be a bit of an understatement. Despite the lack of flowing lava, the park did not disappoint. I was entranced by the Holei Sea Arch, so I hope you'll excuse all of the pictures of it ;)

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