St. Augustine in IR

Day Two Hundred and Seven. Went down to St. Augustine because why not. There was some nice, relatively fast moving cloud cover, so I decided to try some infrared long exposure. I know IR works best when you have a lot of foliage and that's distinctly missing from most of these shots, but the IR filter is the only way for me to get a 2 minute exposure. With as bright as it was outside, my 10 stop ND filter only would have gotten 15, maybe 30 seconds, and that wouldn't have gotten the clouds to streak as much as I was looking for. Now, looking at the result, 2 minutes wasn't even long enough. I probably would need 5 - 8 minutes to get the look I was going for, but I don't have a 16 stop ND filter, so 2 minutes will have to do for now.

I really like how the last exposure came out. I think the blue and white processing is my favourite for IR images. The blue and pink may be more visually interesting (and gets more engagement on social media), but I think I prefer blue and white :)

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