Bridges & Beaches

Day Two Hundred and Ten. Today was a little random. I wanted to test out the filter kit for my Nikon 14-24mm. The lens doesn't have a filter thread because of how bulbous the front element is, so you need a kit to mount the filters. I didn't have any specific destinations in mind, so I just hoped in the car and headed north.

The first stop was Dames Point Park, which provides an excellent vantage point of Dames Point Bridge. The clouds were a little thick for good long exposure, but I still love the minimalistic results of long exposure.

The next stop was Amelia Island State Park. The two long bridges that cross the Nassau River make an excellent vanishing point.

The last stop was a new spot, Fort Clinch State Park. The fort was fun to walk around, but not a whole lot of long exposure opportunity there. I'm sure I could have done some really cool work with all of the old brick and spiral staircases, but I was on a single mission to use the filter kit.

The last picture is the closest to what I was going for. The clouds were still a bit thick, but smooth water and completely streaked clouds is what I was aiming for. It's clearly going to take some work (and a good bit of environmental luck) to achieve the look I'm going for.

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