Exploring Boston II

Day Two Hundred and Twenty Two. I was in town for the dry docking of USS Constitution and, due to tides, it turned out that wasn't going to start until almost sunset. That gave me most of the day to continue exploring Boston, and explore I did!

I woke up super early to catch the sunrise, but when I looked out the window of my hotel room, I saw nothing but thick, low lying cloud cover, so I went and found some breakfast. After killing a couple hours, I looked outside again and found the cloud cover was clearing, so I made my way to the riverfront to get the skyline shot I'd wanted to get at sunrise. The hour or so after sunrise definitely didn't provide light comparable to a sunrise, but I came, I saw, I photographed what I could.

From there, I made my way over to The Esplanade and had some fun with infrared. Infrared photography is always a good choice when there is thick foliage around. Leaves and grass reflect infrared light, so they turn a beautiful (if I do say so myself) shade of blue when you channel swap the image.

The last stop before going to work was the observation deck of the Prudential building. After getting over the frustration of not being able to use a tripod, I managed to have quite a bit of fun shooting from so far up. It was a challenge to control the reflections on the windows (the observation deck is just a "regular" floor in the building, not a rooftop), but I absolutely love the pseudo-aerial viewpoint of observation decks! I think my favourite image of the set is the second to last one. I'm calling it, "I Stand Alone". Which is your favourite?

And, last but certainly not least, the trip's raison d'etre ... I originally shot a time-lapse of USS Constitution going into dry dock, but I massively misjudged how far (or not far in this case) the ship was going to move. The video ended up being really boring. So, I deleted everything except for the last frame. Enjoy :)

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