Costa Rican Volcano and Wildlife Sanctuary

Day Two Hundred and Forty Three. I have to say, I had some pretty high expectations for what it would be like to visit a volcano: vast streams of red-hot lava pouring down the mountain, toxic fumes billowing up all over the place, white-clad virgins being sacrificed to ensure a good harvest, etc. Unfortunately, my expectations more aligned with an active volcano in the 15th century ... not an inactive volcano in the 21st century. Oh well, I'm used to being late to the party ;)

Unrelatedly, if I learned anything today, it's that I am absolutely NOT a wildlife photographer ... and that editing high ISO shots is a miserable task. Oh wait, I already knew both of those things, haha. On the plus side, Lightroom's Dehaze slider appears to be somewhat useful in restoring some of the depth lost to high ISO.

I also put a lot of effort into reacquainting myself with my Wacom graphics tablet. Using the Adjustment Brush, I set the brush Size to 1.0, Feather to 100, and Flow to 10. That allowed me to "sketch" in very subtle changes to the image. What do you think?

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Costa Rican Volcano II and a Botanical Garden
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Costa Rican River Boat Tour