Rijeka Urbex + at Night

Day Two Hundred and Fifty Six. Despite working in Rijeka, I hadn't actually spent any time in the city, so I popped over to the waterfront and headed out on foot to see what I could see. There was a castle on top of a hill, so I set off in that direction. I really need to get better about estimating distances, because what I thought was going to be a short 10 minutes walk, turned out to be over 2kms away with a 125m climb that felt like it was straight up for the last bit of it, haha. Unfortunately, the lighting conditions were absolutely abysmal at the castle, so I didn't take any pictures up there, but it was still a nice spot to overlook the city.

On my way back down, I took the long way around and wandered through a derelict factory. This was my first real chance to do some urban exploration and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. I was a tad worried about running into homeless people ... or criminal elements ... or anyone really who'd like my camera more than I did, but my fears turned out to be completely unfounded. The only people I did run into was a small group of the most polite teenagers I think I've ever met. It was two girls and two boys, so I'll let you guess why they were in an abandoned factory, but still, they saw me taking pictures and asked if they could pass through. After I got over my surprise at how polite they were (and how good their English was), I waved them through since I was still getting set up. What a polite group. Why can't more people be like them?

The factory was also my first good chance to use the shift feature of my tilt-shift lens to do panoramas. And, I couldn't just do shift panoramas, so I did HDR shift panoramas :D. All in all, I give exploring derelict factories in Rijeka a 10 out of 10. It was fun, safe, and I got some really interesting pictures!

Later that evening, the people I'd gone to dinner with insisted on going to a casino. I'm allergic to gambling (and apparently hadn't had enough adventure), so I grabbed my camera and set off again. This time, I wandered down the waterfront down towards the train station, hoping to get some long exposures of the locomotives. I didn't end up finding any good angles of them, but I did find a perfectly lit bus stop and a lighthouse of all things. To this day, I still have no idea why there's a lighthouse in the middle of a train depot, but there is and I've got a picture of it :D

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