Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park

Day Fifty One. My last set shot with the D70 ... and what an epic set it turned out to be! After far too long, I finally made it down to Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park. For all of my Big Sur work, why it took me this long to make it to the park that carries the name is and will forever remain a mystery. But, ignoring all that, this hike was amazing! Started off heading for the water fall (which I nearly completely failed to capture ... I really need to buy an ND filter and carry my tripod more often), then went back up the ridge line, which provided a view all the way down the valley to the coast. The fog coming over the mountain range on the coastal side of the highway was stunning. And, a group of hawks decided to circle around to get their picture taken! For as much as I feel like I'm going to need to go out and redo all of my previous work when my D800 shows up, reproducing the amount of luck it took to get some of these shots will not be an easy task. The couple of pictures of the hawk silhouette against the clouds are truly amazing :)

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