Napa Valley Day 1

Day Eighty Six. It took far longer to make it up here than it should have, but at long last, we made the trip up to Napa Valley! The first stop was Castello di Amorosa, a real Castle! It was a lot of fun trying to keep up with the guided tour while doing long exposures (and by long, I mean up to 30 seconds) to try and capture all of the low light detail down in the lower regions (I'd call it a basement, but that's not the right word for a castle). I did actually manage to get left behind once, at which point, I wandered aimlessly until I found my way into the torture chamber and ran back into my tour group (who were thankfully not getting tortured). After a super awesome tasting, we went outside and made friends with a fuzzy chicken with pants, along with a few normal chickens and a couple ducks. From there, we headed to the Ménage à Trois tasting room where I played with my macro lens and they let us go out back and eat some of the grapes right off the vine! From there, we headed over the mountain pass (really fun road) to a hotel room we could actually afford (staying in Napa Valley is super expensive). Conclusion thus far: Napa Valley is amazing! :D

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