Humboldt Redwoods State Park & Marin Headlands

Day One Hundred and Thirty Nine. And, Day 5 of the second annual Northern California road trip with my dear old dad. It was a misty day up in the great Redwoods, which, I gathered, was like most days in this particular part of the state, but I wasn't complaining. I got some beautiful macro shots that most people have to carry spritzer bottle to create. And the shots of the fog moving through the mountains, I particularly enjoy. From there, we made the rather lengthy drive south, stoping briefly at the Marin Headlands to admire its amazing view of nearby San Francisco. It wasn't exactly the best time of day for good lighting, but the fast moving fog and occasional boat traffic made for some interesting shots. And, to those who know how much I hate partially desaturated images, yes I made one, and yes I still hate them ... deal with it, haha :)

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