Return to Yosemite Day 3

Day One Hundred and Eighteen. Woke up again still in beautiful Yosemite, though a lot colder than I (or my starting to fail to charge batteries) usually appreciate. Perhaps an unheated tent in February wasn't the best idea? After getting over the shock of waking up to it being 20°, the day started off with a rainbow over Yosemite Falls, which can only be a good sign! We'd hit most of the major spots yesterday, so we went to some lesser famous spots, but it's Yosemite - a "bad" view in Yosemite is better than a great view just about everywhere else. The clouds weren't nearly as epic as they were yesterday, so I concentrated more on some of the smaller elements like flowing water and patterns in the trees. Of course, I got some more obligatory massive granite rock face shots that Yosemite is famous for too. I don't think it's possible to visit Yosemite without taking at least a few of those. Also, shot a long exposure time-lapse of Yosemite Falls that I hope you'll like. And, the raison d'être of this trip, the time-lapse of the Fire Falls. For a very brief period every year, the sunset beautifully illuminates Horsetail Falls, making it appear as though it's on fire :)

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