Return to Yosemite Day 4

Day One Hundred and Nineteen. So, you remember how yesterday I somewhat casually mentioned that my batteries were starting to fail to charge because it was so cold? Well, it got even colder and guess what, I was only able to get one of them to barely charge at all. This resulted in me getting a whopping two pictures. TWO!! Oh well, at least they were both decent enough to keep, haha. I still hiked up to mirror lake and enjoy the view immensely. Definitely will be staying in a heated tent (at an absolute minimum) next time. Despite not really getting to shoot the last day in Yosemite, I think the greatest insult the universe decided to add to injury was on the drive home, when a storm front decided to roll over the San Luis Reservoir. It was so photogenic, I could have died. If only one of my four batteries had just enough charge left for one picture, but alas, they were all dead as a pile of doornails. Odds of seeing a storm front rolling over the reservoir the next time I drive past it ... well, I'll let you guess. All in all, the trip has been absolutely amazing! Yosemite is definitely one of my favourite places on Earth :)

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