San Francisco's Bridges

Day One Hundred and Twenty One. We find ourselves once again in San Francisco ... shivering. This is not a warm place. Never mind the fact that it's early March and approaching sunset, it's this temperature here for most of the year. We started off rather precariously on Baker Beach, tempting the ocean to jump up and remind us of just hold much colder we could be. It was a new angle of the Golden Gate for me and I really like how the reflection over the surf came out. From there, we attempted to shoot from Twin Peaks, but it was so foggy, the city was completely obscured. Defeated, we descended upon City Hall where I realized that it hadn't changed ... well ... at all since the last time I was there and completely failed to find a new or interesting angle of the still marvelous building. Finally, we wandered over to my favourite Rincon Park to shoot the Oakland Bay Bridge (which I'm still refusing to refer to simply as "the Bay Bridge" because the Bay Bridge is the one over the Chesapeake). I managed a coupe of nice shots of the bridge, did some interesting colour treatment, but in retrospect was moderately disappointed (again) by the fog and cloud cover obscuring the stars. Oh well ... It was yet another fun night in SF :)

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