An Afternoon in Big Sur

Day One Hundred and Twenty Six. It had been a while since I'd merely driven down Highway 1 and enjoyed the scenery in Big Sur, so I did exactly that. I stopped off at a few turnouts I hadn't explored before and tried to hike a bit off the beaten path to find some new angles. I played around more with the ND filter, but found that the wind didn't like that idea, so I ended up having to toss a bunch of them due to "wind shake". With this set, I also (FINALLY) figured out how to create an HDR from a single exposure without terrible results. Before, I was trying to make HDRs from an edited RAW where I'd played with the contrast, regions, and clarity. When you go to composite a series of images that have had non-linear transformations applied to them, the halo effect gets really really bad. I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out, but once I tried zeroing the image settings, and making the composite from that, it worked perfectly. I wouldn't recommend trying to make an HDR from a high ISO shot due to the noise added when boosting the exposure, but it works marvelously for images shot at ISO 50. When I first started working on this set, deleting the whole thing and moving on to the next one crossed my mind more than once, but once I dug in and really started working with the images, it slowly grew on me. In the end, I'm extraordinarily happy with how this set turned out :)

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Palace of Fine Arts Fire Dancers