Palace of Fine Arts Fire Dancers

Day One Hundred and Twenty Five. We had so much fun the first time, we made the trip to San Francisco again to see the crazy fire dancers at the Palace of Fine Arts, and they did not disappoint. I applied the big lesson from the last trip (smaller apertures provide for awesome streaks and help prevent blown highlights when a low enough ISO is selected) and walked away with more shots that I'm really happy with. I also experimented with some high ISO large aperture portrait style shots. Only a few of those made it through even the first round of cuts. The 28-300 simply isn't fast enough to really freeze the action with the kind of sharpness I would have liked, but until the 85 f/1.4 falls out of the sky into my camera bag, I'll just have to live with it. The hardest part of this shoot was (just as the first time) trying to decide between actuating the shutter and just watching the show. I hope I can make it up again before I graduate!

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