Big Sur with a Model

Day One Hundred and Thirty Three. Brought the world's greatest editorial & fashion photographer, Molly Van Kley, down to Big Sur for a fun little shoot with my favourite lady on the planet. She got to be a model for a day and I got to prove how absolutely terrible I am at shooting portrait work ... everyone wins. I also played around more with my still quite shiny and rather new 14-24mm (which should absolutely never be used to shoot people, and no I will not show you why, you'll just have to go try it and find out for yourself, it's that bad). And, I think I'm getting better at making HDR's out of single exposures. Five out of the six landscape shots are HDR compositions derived from a single original exposure. For reference, this technique is only possible if you shoot RAW. JPG files simply don't contain enough information to produce results such as this. Finally, I now fully appreciate just how hard it is to work with a model. I shot 82 exposures and kept 3. Molly shot several hundred and kept 10 (though admittedly a lot of them weren't keepers because I wasn't exactly the best at aiming the reflector any where near where it would have been useful, haha). Not that there was ever any question about this, but I think I'll stick to landscapes :D

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