Bodie Ghost Town

Day One Hundred and Thirty Seven. And, Day 3 of the second annual Northern California road trip with my dear old dad. After last night, our expectations were set pretty high as we moseyed on up to Bodie State Historic Park. The park did not disappoint. This place is amazing. I shot the entire day with the 14-24 and got more than just a little shutter happy. I started the set off in black and white as it felt most appropriate for the subject matter, but as soon as I saw the color pop out of the aged wood, I knew the rest would be almost entirely in color. Despite having shot during the typically worst part of the day, the dramatic cloud cover (which was extraordinarily appreciated) provided for a soft diffused light that allowed for deeply saturated colors without any harsh shadows. The lighting was about as close to ideal as you can ask for. The only reason we left was, there was still a few hours between us and that night's hotel. I could have easily spent all day and night there. At some point in the far flung future, I'll have to come back here and shoot the stars over the historic ghost town!

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