Pacific Grove Coastline

Day One Hundred and Forty One. And the final day of the second annual Northern California road trip with my dear old dad. It's been one hell of a trip and while the coastline of my back yard may not be nearly as epic as some of the other stops on our trip, we would have been remiss to skip it. I've walked this coastline many times, as it's an amazing place to expend a few miles on foot and clear your head. Having been here so much, I tried to do a little different treatment this time. I started with my ultra wide angle lens, then switched out to my macro lens, opened the aperture as wide as it would go, and proceeded to commence what I'm calling rock portraiture. I like how most of them came out, but I had to throw more than just a few away due to the super narrow depth of field at f/2.8. More than once I also wished I'd had a filter step-up ring so I could have used my ND filter. I think I'm going to have to order one of those at some point in the somewhat near future. Despite the lack of long exposure, I'm still pretty happy with how this set came out :)

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