Pseudorandom Day Trip to NYC

Day One Hundred and Forty Two. I love New York. And I mean it just like the t-shirt says it. I don't think I'll ever stop being fascinated by the largest city in America. While landscapes may be my first love, architecture is a close second, especially with the viewing angle and light capturing ability of my 14-24mm lens. The day started on the Upper East Side as we hunted for a snack after the rather lengthy bus ride. We wandered into a little Jewish deli and had some matzo balls with our sandwiches to temporarily escape the rain that had popped up in the middle of our walk. The rain abated ever so slightly just as we finished, so we made a mad dash for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where I switched out my ultra-wide-angle lens for my 105mm macro lens, which is rapidly becoming my go to museum lens. Taking pictures of statues and paintings is about as close as I'll ever get to being able to pretend I'm even remotely good at portraiture, and it sure is fun! The Met is, by far, the best art museum I have ever been to. Just like skiing in Colorado makes it challenging to go skiing anywhere else, having now been to the Met, I'm pretty sure it's now going to be really hard to visit other art museums. Despite sprinting through it as fast as we could, we still only managed to see about half of it before having to leave so we could see more of the city. The rain had mostly stopped while we were in the museum, but it wasn't going to last long, so we headed south, stopping at a Duane Reed along the way to grab the cheapest umbrella we could find. Though the weather was not the nicest to walk through and the shops of 5th avenue were closed before we could get there, the clouds absolutely made the pictures. If the sky had been a flat blue, this set would have been significantly more boring. But, since it was starting to get late, we hopped on the subway and popped out at the Brooklyn Bridge, were we got to see a guy propose to his girlfriend (she said yes), before I took the classic shot of the suspension wires. From there, I took a few super high ISO shots just for fun as we booked it back to the other side of Manhattan so we could catch the last bus home! As I said before, I love this city, and I can't wait until we can go back :)

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