San Francisco Part One

Day Twenty Six. Made the drive up to San Francisco to visit a friend and found myself with a few hours to kill before she got off work, so I grabbed my camera and walked over to a park that was nearby. It was kind of late in the day, so lighting and high contrast subjects were again my greatest challenge. I'm sure there's a filter that would solve my problem, but I really don't want to drop any cash on anything until I get a new body (Nikon, if you're reading this, give me a D800. It's all I want for Christmas, given that I already have my two front teeth :D). Difficult lighting aside, the city combined with the haze and fog produced some really interesting effects. The grain and distortion produced what I'm inclined to call an "old-timey" look that I absolutely did not expect to ever see come out of a digital camera. The set of three of the purple flowers were taken hand held in extremely low light (for me), so I was incredibly happy that they came out. :) My favourite is either one of the ones were the Golden Gate Bridge is swamped in fog or the second one of the purple flowers ... I haven't decided yet :)

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Pacific Grove, CA