NYC Day 4

Day One Hundred and Ninety Nine. The day started with another big check off on the old Must See list. I've loved the Flatiron Building for as long as I've known it existed. The lighting was a bit off, but I think that's a seasonal thing. I definitely would have preferred the sun on the front of the building, but I did what I could. I think the IR long exposures came out quite well.

The next stop was only a recent addition to the Must See list, so it didn't feel like that big of an accomplishment when we got there. But, for those who think the best view of Lower Manhattan comes from the observation deck of the Empire State Building, I'm going to have to respectfully inform you that you are, in fact, quite incorrect. For the simple fact that if you're in the Empire State Building, your view can not include the Empire State Building. This is rectified by visiting Top of the Rock. Since you're a good bit further away, you'll need a telephoto (I prefer 70mm here), but the image of the Empire State Building with One World Trade Center standing proudly in the background is by far my favourite of the entire trip.

The nighttime images all came from various spots in Brooklyn Bridge Park. I wanted to make it over to the Empire Fulton Ferry area, but I lost most interest after they turned off the lights in the antenna of One World Trade Center.

I'd heard that doing too much long exposure (as if that's a thing) was actually bad for your sensor, but I didn't believe it. Tonight I may have become more of a believer. It used to be that I could do up to about 4 minutes before encountering noticeable long exposure noise. Tonight, none of the exposures were longer than 30 seconds and all of them exhibited long exposure noise. Now, long exposure noise is mostly a thermal problem (the warmer it is, the sooner you'll encounter it), so maybe it was just warmer tonight than when I was in Cali kicking out 4 minutes no problem, but it's definitely something I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on. And, just remember to turn on long exposure noise reduction, no matter how long the exposure.

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