Krk Island III

Day Two Hundred and Sixty. Popped back over to Krk Island to see the Frankopan Castle and Baška Beach. On the way over I thought it'd be neat to shoot the bridge linking Krk to the mainland. I got set up and did a test shot with the polarizer. Just as I went to reach for an ND filter, a security guard came running around the corner to shoo me off. Apparently taking pictures of the bridge is verboten :( ... so enjoy my one forbiden bridge picture!

From there, I moved on to Frankopan Castle. The best view is from across the water at Plaža Punta De Galeto. The castle itself was closed (boo), so I hopped back in the car and went south.

It's an interesting drive down to Baška Beach. It's a pleasant reminder that most buildings on the island predate the existence of cars and paved roads as you weave passed building literally jutting into the road, haha. The beach itself is really nice. Especially since March is still too early for tourists and I had the place mostly to myself. Once I hiked past the end of the beach, I did have the entire southern end of the island completely to myself.

I didn't make it all the way to the southern tip. I got caught up shooting rock striations that were just barely out of the water (magic of the tide). I put my tilt-shift lens to good use and got my first "long draw" shot of the striations. Took quite a bit of experimenting to get the tilt angle right, but the right answer turned out to be 2 degrees down. I was there long enough that the tide started to come back in and I had to rush to not get soaked, haha. The rest of the coastline was just fun to shoot and hike through. Lots of built up rock walls. No idea why they're there or who built them, but it was really neat to walk along them! I'll get down to see the lighthouse on my next hike :D

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