Stars Over Bixby Bridge

Day Three Hundred and Three. Went down to Big Sur, for no other reason than ... it's Big Sur 😄 ... I mean, who couldn't just sit at McWay Falls and simply marvel at it for hours on end? My only problem with going down there is, I take entirely too many pictures, trying to get just the absolutely perfect wave action ... which means I have entirely too many shots to sort through on the back end ... but, ultimately I still love the spot!

Then, after dinner, I may or may not have planned to be stunned by the bright the moon was and stopped at Bixby Bridge to see if I could get some cool star trails over the bridge. Well, I dare say it worked. The last shot is a single eight-minute exposure. Maybe not the best composition of my life, but wow, the moonlight lit the foreground while the stars popped in the background. Love it!

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