Moonrise over San Francisco

Day Three Hundred and Five. Popped up to the city because ... IT'S MOON CHASING TIME! Full moons are always exciting. And this one did not disappoint. The main goal of the evening was to try and get a nice shot of the moon directly over the Salesforce tower. Some people call that the lollipop shot. I won't use such silly terminology, but if you hear someone say that, you now know what they're talking about.

It was a fun challenge to try and get the moon to align near the top of the tower. It wasn't nearly as simple as sit in one spot and wait, haha. You can see the perspective shift as you move through the images. That's me jogging from one spot to another, trying to make sure the alignment would look as good as possible. It was a fun evening ... with a lot more cardio than usual, haha 😄

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