Fushimi Inari Shrine

Day Three Hundred and Thirteen. Hey, guess what ... we're in Japan ... I can barely believe it, yet, here we are ... in freaking JAPAN! Who let this happen? Clearly, the administrators were napping when this one came through. Oh well, might as well make the most of it 😄

I did two treatments of the first image. One where I tried to get as few people in it as possible (this shrine is absurdly popular), and one where I just let as many people stream through it as I could. I'm still not actually sure which I like better. But, what I am sure of is, the last image is my favorite. It's a horizontal-shifted panorama, and I think I really like this form factor. And, the torii gates with writing on them are definitely my favorite. Is there enough orange in this set for you?

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