Monterey Bay Aquarium

Day Forty Nine. Made the horrible mistake of visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium on the weekend. I will never make that mistake again. It was so crowded, I had to fight for space. Due the expectation of low light conditions, I took the 50mm f/1.4 prime lens with me. I originally left the camera in auto ISO mode at aperture priority, but found that I wasn't getting shutter speeds that were high enough to be useful, so in the end, I put the ISO back in manual mode and cranked it to the max at 1600. After getting that sorted, I was presented with another challenge. A lot of the exhibits have curved glass, either to allow you to stick your head in and look around, or to make small things appear larger. This some reason, this wasn't a problem for my cellphone, but proved to be nigh insurmountable for the D70. I just couldn't get it to auto focus through the curved glass. I tried to manual focus for a bit, but the critters didn't want to hold still long enough for my nearly untrained focusing hand to catch them :-/ ... Ignoring all that, I still enjoyed the visit and came away with a few cool shots :)

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