Ano Nuevo State Reserve, Pigeon Point Lighthouse, Gray Whale Cove State Beach, Fort Point, & Battery Spencer

Day Sixty Two. Headed north, with no intent of going back any time soon. Took Highway 1 and stopped at a few of the high points on the way to being north of San Francisco in the evening. Even if I've said it before, it bears being said again: the California coastline is simply stunning. It took an immense force of will not to stop at every turnout and take a ton of pictures. There was more fog out than I generally appreciate, so I had to do a bit more work than usual in post to bring the colours back out, but I think I was able to come up with a decent procedure for giving them the punch they would have held in proper sunlight ... if not maybe a bit better in some cases :). In San Francisco, after stopping in the Mission District for a burrito, I did a study of the Golden Gate Bridge, getting some really good shots from both the southern and northern shores. I think my favourite vantage point of it is from Battery Spencer on the north shore, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Before crossing the bridge, I did a mini long exposure set of the water crashing over the rocks. Each and every one of them had a worse colour shift in it than any of the images from Julia Pfeiffer. It was beyond uncorrectable ... so I sidestepped the issue and made the best looking one black and white :). I'm not entirely sure I like it (I am a rather large fan of colour), but it's better than having to delete all of them out of disgust. Aside from the beautiful coastline and bridge shots, I also met a ton of friendly birds and a very friendly sea lion :)

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