Carmel's Scenic Rd

Day Sixty Eight. Following up on nearly a year's worth of recommendations to walk down Carmel's Scenic Rd, I finally made it down there, hunting a reprieve from the fog of Pacific Grove, only to be greeted by the fog of Carmel. Not to be deterred, I zipped up my jacket and started walking. Immediately off of Ocean Ave, the houses weren't overly impressive. I was starting to wonder why so many people had told me this walk was a "must do". As we got farther away from Ocean Ave, the character of the houses started to change. The houses very quickly went from normal to a wide mix of post-modern and fantasy land, at which point, I was stopping at nearly every house to snap a picture (or three). I almost couldn't believe that some of these houses were real. I guess I just can't imagine having enough money ($7,000,000 was the average asking price of the few for sale posters we checked out) to think that it'd be neat to live in a house straight out of Hansel and Gretel. Well ... that's not entirely true ... I certainly can imagine it ... just ... well ... man, there are some crazy houses in Carmel :)

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