Random Day Trip to San Fran

Day Sixty Nine. While not originally a random day trip (the Modern Art Museum decided that closing less than an hour after we got there was an OK thing to do) it still resulted in some cool photo opportunities and some of the best Chinese food I've ever had (I'll let you figure out which I of those two I found to be more important ;). Directly across the street from the aforementioned closed museum are the Yerba Buena Gardens (say that three times fast), where there just so happened to be a free circus. We hung out and watched the circus for a bit before getting the sneaking suspicion that we were getting horribly sun burnt (who brings sun screen on a day trip to a museum?). We then moved on to inspect the architecture of a few churches before heading to Chinatown for Lunch. There, we found a nice little hole in the wall that served the largest steamed dumplings and the best barbecue pork soup I've ever had. Just thinking about it makes me want to drive the two and a half hours it'd take to go get some right now (seriously, who wants to go get some pork?). After lunch, we wandered through the rest of Chinatown, crossed into the Fashion District, and made it all the way to Union Square Park before stopping to have a nice sit and rest the feet. All in all, not at all what was planned, but still a fun day nonetheless :)

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