Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G Test Shoot

Day Seventy Five. I don't want to know how many times I've said I needed a true macro lens ... well ... now I've got one! Since it was already dark outside by the time I got home to play with my new toy, I pretended I had a studio and setup my tripod in the office to shoot really close to things. I (once again) discovered that the lighting in my office is absolutely abysmal for photography ... probably should have used my flash, but I didn't feel like finding out whether the batteries had any charge in them or not. Overall, I am extremely impressed with this lens. The 1:1 reproduction ratio is exactly what's been missing from my life. I am a little surprised by the chromatic aberration at f/8 though. Ignoring that, this lens is ridiculously sharp. I can't wait to take it into the field and do some real tests with it :)

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