Steel Wool Spinning

Day Seventy Nine. Made the trek up to Panther Beach with a couple of whisks, some rope, a 9 volt battery, and a bunch of steel wool. Took a couple of nice beach shots while waiting for the sun to go down ... then the fun began. Tie a short rope the end of a whisk, pack it with steel wool, touch the 9V to the wool, and spin that baby around as fast you can, all the while with a wide angle lens and an open shutter pointed in your direction, and you're all but guaranteed to get an awesome picture. I went for bulb mode and used a remote shutter release to capture what I figured was the best part of the spin. There is definitely a correlation between the speed at which the burning wool was spinning and the awesomeness of the resulting photograph. There was also a correlation between the speed at which the burning wool was spinning and the amount of fun being had. The entire night was extremely fun and ended far to quickly. This is most certainly a procedure which I will need to repeat a few more times if for no better reason than the sheer amount of fun it was :)

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