Not So Random Day Trip to San Fran

Day Eighty Four. Having failed on our previous trip to San Fran to get in to the Museum of Modern Art, a second, more strategic, trip was made - one that involved planning, and spending the night up there, so we didn't have to drive up early in the morning (which we'd proven on our previous attempt, simply wasn't going to happen). This quick set is from walking around the city the evening before. Got lucky enough to capture a bit of the blue hour and burn some really cool high ISO shots after sunset. I was really glad for the fast aperture when trying to capture the members of the street performers. Using the flash completely destroyed the ambiance, so I had to shoot wide open at max ISO. I think the best one is of the bassist. The grit of the high ISO and slight motion sweep due to the length of the exposure plus the colours really added together well. That, and another visit to the best Chinese restaurant on the planet made for an outstanding evening!

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San Fran Museum of Modern Art & Nighttime Long Exposure
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Inez Grant Parker Memorial Rose Garden, San Diego Natural History Museum, Botanical Building and Lily Pond at Balboa Park