Mesa Verde National Park

Day One Hundred and Fifty Five. And Day 12 of our Epic Cross Country Road Trip! Seeing the ruins of cliff dwellers and making it into Colorado were on the "must do" list, so stopping at Mesa Verde National Park was the perfect fit. I really only had a vague idea of what to expect, so my expectations weren't very high. For as much as I like researching locations before I go there, sometimes it's nice to be surprised. This place blew my sock clear off. It was so unimaginably amazing to be so close to these incredible ruins. Unfortunately, it was the offseason, so some of them were closed, but the ones we were able to see were stunning. I'd also like to say thank you to our National Park Service tour guide. I don't often bother to listen to tour guides, but this guy was awesome. His telling of the history was enthralling. We'll definitely have to go back in the summer so we can see the other ruins!

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