Tahoe Daytime

Day One Hundred and Ten. Noting how beautiful the scenery was there the night before, we decided to make a day time stop at the Emerald Bay Vikingsholm Trail Trailhead before heading back south. In contrast to the night before, I was a little disappointed in the complete lack of overly dramatic cloud cover, so I ended up experimenting a bit with framing. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about it though. I kind of think I need to stop down further to keep the framing elements in better focus, but don't like to stop down below f/8 (which I was using) due to the loss of sharpness. I also came very close to releasing my first fully black and white set with these images. I just liked the colour in a few of them too much to turn them. When I first started editing them, I was worried that I wasn't going to like this set very much ... but after hours of beating my head against them, I'm quite happy with the turn out :)

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