Jacksonville Zoo

Day Two Hundred and Nineteen. Going to the zoo is about as close to being a wildlife photographer as I get. I seriously don't have the patience to sit in the same spot for hours, waiting for one animal to maybe walk by. So, I go to the zoo and take thousands of images ... then spend over 2 months processing them all ... only to keep 73 of them ... *long sigh*.

With this set, I introduced a new lighting technique, specifically focused on tonal subject isolation. If you don't know what that means, then sign up for my Behind the Scenes mailing list, where I tell all of the secrets to how I make these images! Long story short, it's a very time intensive post processing light painting technique. The main thing that I learned from this was, the better exposed your subject is in the original image, the better the final result will be. If the overall image is properly exposed (i.e. the light meter on the camera says it's a good shot), but your subject is buried in 3+ stops of shadow, you're going to have a rough time. This problem compounds significantly as your ISO increases. The best results are achieved with low ISO and a properly exposed subject. This should not be a surprise ;)

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